Z is for ... Ze End? Or Just Ze Beginning?
I published A to Z Flashes of Foxwick and Women of Foxwick last year.
This year, I hope to publish Men of Foxwick and The Loveless Princess.
Forthcoming in 2014, I have Neighbors of Foxwick and the compilation of Women of Foxwick, Men of Foxwick, and Neighbors of Foxwick into the book People of Foxwick and their Neighbors. I’ll also write the Founding Foxwick trilogy and hope to have book one The Magician's Rule out sometime in 2015.
And during this challenge, I've come up with another idea for a futuristic Foxwick, but that idea is just brewing, and I probably won't be able to write it until 2016.
Right now, that’s all I really have planned for Foxwick.
But I feel like it could be just the beginning instead of the end. Who knows what might come next? Which character will pop up and tell me his/her story? I’m keeping an open mind on what will come next when it comes to the Foxwick Chronicles.
And thank you to our hosts and all the participants of the A to Z Challenge. We've made it to "ze" end!
It is just the beginning, because now you have a rich world and can write about it for years.
I am sure we'll have many years of Foxwick and your rich creativity. :)
Awesome the challenge helped you come up with new ideas. Congrats on finishing the challenge.
Congratulations in completing the A to Z Challenge.
Big congrats on finishing the A to Z Challenge Cherie =D There were many fabulous posts.
It definitely doesn't sound like the end for your Foxwick! I've have fun reading about it too. =)
Sounds like a full plate can't wait to see these books come out.
glad you are seeing more projects in the near future - wishing you the best with them
I'll be excited to read your stories as they come out.
There will be more, I'm sure! :) And I can't wait.
*All* you have planned? My head is spinning! Glad there are many stories to come from what seems like a wonderful place.
You are one busy lady! I loved your theme and congrats on finishing the A-Z!
I once had different plans than I do now. It's good to remain flexible in this publishing environment. :D I look forward to reading your new creations.
My jaw's dropping at all you have planned--but in a good way, of course. So impressive how much you have mapped out for your Foxwick world, and that you already have a writing/publishing schedule for it, too. Good luck with it all! :D
I love that feeling that it's just the beginning!! You have a lot of stories to tell :)
It's all a great circle. Ze end IS Ze beginning. :)
all the luck with foxwick! i just love that name!!
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