S is for ... Shadowlands
The Shadowlands is where people’s
souls go when they die. Death reigns in this realm. The Shadowlands does have
an entrance to the mortal world behind a waterfall on the edge of Blackden
Barrens and Merrilea Sea. And even Death can die, but the one who kills Death
will become the next Death.
The Shadowlands feature most in "Lady Death" from Women of Foxwick.
Shadowlands sounds like a beautiful place, even though it is a place of death.
I like the name and what the place is. You have a great imagination.
Note to self - don't kill death.
Shadowlands, ooh I like that. And Death dying, sounds like some intriguing possibilities...
I could skip going to this place.
Oooo, the line about Death dying is fascinating. I bet a lot of stories could spawn from that.
As much as I love waterfalls I know one to avoid.
Shadowlands sounds like a great place.
Shadowlands. I like the entrance behind a waterfall. Very cool.
One of my favorite stories! :)
I like the idea of not killing death lest death ye become.
That doesn't sound like a place I'd like to visit anytime soon! :)
The Shadowlands have such balance in your world. It's totally believable and feels right. Good job!
I love your Lady Death story! As for the shadowlands- I don't want to go there!
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