O is for ... Over the River and Through the Woods to Blackden Barrens
Beyond Greymist Forest lies Blackden Barrens. To the north of Blackden Barrens is the Dragon River. Sparse trees and arid land have claimed the Barrens. Very few creatures and people live there, although there are groups of nomads traveling the Barrens. The magical creature most known for the Barrens is the phoenix.
Was it always like that or did dragons char the area? (Curious, since the rive is the Dragon River.)
I would want to visit just for the phoenix.
Blackden Barrens. Cool name.
I want to see the phoenix too!
I want to see a phoenix too! :)
Love the place names.
Sounds like you've done some rich world building for your story. How awesome.
"Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go..."
Sorry! I just had to go there :)
A phoenix? Sounds pretty darn cool!
A phoenix would make a trip out there worth while!
Love that name. :)
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