G is for ... Greymist Forest: You Can't See the Forest for the Mist!
To Foxwick’s west lies Greymist Forest. The forest gets its name from the fog that clings to the trees. Unicorns and dragons have made their homes in Greymist Forest, including various people. Normal creatures like deer and bears also live there. Near Foxwick, there is a quaint grove filled with a gentle stream and fruit trees. When Foxwick hosts the Mage Game, Greymist Forest is the setting for the dragon and unicorn challenges.
Do the dragons and unicorns challenge one another?
I love your name for your forest. Greymist Forest sounds so cool.
That's a great name. It sounds sweet but also like it may have a sinister side.
Unicorns do not like dragons. They believe themselves superior and to tell the truth, most dragons don't like unicorns either. I'm not one of them. I'm pacifist (for the most part.) People also relate unicorn with purity and dragon with evil. So not fair.
I like unicorns! :)
Your forest sounds awesome. I like unicorns and dragons!
YOu should include a map with this post.
Very intriguing forest. I don't suggest taking a stroll at night there. Especially with dragons lurking about.
Nice. I am going to have to go back a read your other posts. I love world-building.
Tim Brannan
The Other Side and The Witch
Red Sonja: She-Devil with a Sword
The Freedom of Nonbelief
Dragons and unicorns! Love them both. Greymist forest sounds like the place to be!
What a place of wonder and mystery.
Now that sounds like an awesome forest! And a great setting for more than just Mage Game.
Mel at Writings Musings and Other Such Nonsense
ooolala, sounds like a wonderful forest.
Ooooo. That sounds like a magical forest to visit.
That's a very cute idea!
That's a great name for the forest. Are there people involved with these challenges or just the dragons and unicorns?
So cool! I really want to visit Greymist Forest now!
Greymist Forest sounds like the perfect place to hold challenges and tests; I guess the dragons and unicorns must feature strongly.
Sounds like a very promising setting to have some serious action take place!
Gotta love a good forest :)
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