Happy Wednesday!

I received a new review of Once Upon a December Nightmare. You can read the review here. As a reminder, Once Upon a December Nightmare is still free on Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, Sony, and iTunes.
Writing and editing this month has been pretty sparse. *sighs* Between the writers' conference earlier this month, having more work at the day job, and a family problem during the first full week of February (it's now okay), it's been difficult to find the energy to write and edit. Thus, I'm behind on this month's goals.
As for Starred, between critique partners' comments and time, I've decided not to edit this novel right now. I hope to work on it again in August.
I still hope to finish editing Part II of The Phoenix Prophetess this month. I also should finish my notes for Part III, which I still need to write. If all goes well, I should be able to complete this goal this weekend. *crosses fingers*
I have started writing "Dragon Spy," story two in Men of Foxwick. I have five more scenes, or around 3,000 more words, to write. I should be able to finish this story before the end of February. I also need to do my third edit of "Blind Scribe," so I can send it to CP #3.
Then, there is The Loveless Princess. Last week, I managed to write through Chapter 9, or one-third of the novella. I still have another 20,000+ words to go before the novella is finished, so it's looking very doubtful that I'll finish it by the end of February, since I still have so many other things I need to do. That's okay. I'm loving the story and what's happening with it, so if it needs more time, then so be it. I would like to reach the midway point with this novella, though, by the end of February.
As for the next couple days, I'm working on friends' critiques and blog posts.
How's your writing going? What do you have going on this week?
I have to wait until August for more Starred? :( Lol, I totally understand, though. I've been going through something similar with one of my WIPs, and I really don't want to have to give up on it but if I don't get moving on it this week, it's going back on the shelf!
The amount of writing you do just blows my mind...
You've been busy! Sorry to hear you got behind on editing. Life never seems to care about editing and happens when we really do not have time for it. I hope you can get caught up soon.
I downloaded your book! Very eager to start it.
I admire your efficiency and wise use of available time, Cherie.
You've got mad writting skills. (I am oh so happy you do!) I just finished Once Upon a December Nightmare and was jonesing for more. Luckily for me there was more.
I am glad that everything is okay at home now.
Wow... I don't think "twenty thousand words" and "by the end of February" would ever occur in the same sentence for me. :P
This slacker is going to go open her Word file now...
You're so busy! I can't wait to read Dragon Spy and TLP. Life has gotten in the way of my writing time this week too. I really hope to finish 1304 on Friday. I need to work hard tomorrow while the boy is in school!
I do hope you get back to Starred soon! It's a great story with a strong protag. Look forward to reading more of it.
Good luck with all the other MS's you're juggling right now. So many!
Sounds like you're being pretty productive even with everything else going on.
Sounds like you're being pretty productive even with everything else going on.
You're very productive. If you're ever behind, I'm sure you'll catch up.
Well done on all you've accompolished this week!
It sounds like you have been busy- even with all of the things you have had going on. I haven't been getting as much done as I would like (as far as writing)- but I have had a lot going on, too. You never know what life will throw at you. :) Glad everything is going well and wishing you happy writing.
Sometimes you have to know when to put a ms down for a while. I'm sure it will be for the better! I had to do that with a Nano novel I wrote in 2011. I'm finally just now feeling like it's time to dive back in.
Congrats on all your success and productivity this month!
I'm so impressed by all the projects you're juggling right now. Good luck with achieving your goals! I know what you mean about feeling behind. I was hoping to be far more ahead with my art than I am currently. February has zoomed by far too fast!
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