Happy Wednesday!
For this year I'm making a few changes in the blogging schedule. Please click here to see the new schedule, including a new post for fourth Mondays.
I have December's stats. They are pretty low for the month, but I have to admit I enjoyed my time off.
Total Word Count: 2355
Total Pages Edited: 32
I also have January's goals.
1. Write one short story for Men of Foxwick.
2. Start writing the first half of The Loveless Princess.
3. Edit Act I of Starred.
4. Edit Part I of The Phoenix Prophetess.

Today is also the Beginnings Blogfest created by L.G. Keltner at Writing Off The Edge. Please click here for rules and participants.
On January 15th, 2009, I started writing The Phoenix Prophetess. It was the first time I decided to not just write a novel but to finish a novel, which I did on September 15, 2009. It was also the moment I decided I wanted to pursue a career as a writer.
"Why?" you may ask.
I know it may sound a bit odd, but the short answer was I was bored. I had gotten a full-time job in December 2008 as a library assistant at a small academic library. I love my job, but I have a lot of free time during it. So I was trying to figure out what I could do with my time when I'm not answering phones, helping a patron, etc. I played games on Facebook and read, but I wanted to do more. Then, I thought back to an idea I had in 2006. It was a story about a girl named Yssa, who was the Phoenix Prophetess. I'd toyed around with the idea off an on since 2006. I drew a map, took some notes, but I never started writing the novel until January 15, 2009.
I was bored and wanted something to do, so I wrote the first chapter and sent it to Christine Rains and my sister Kara. They both told me to keep writing, so I did. A chapter or so a week until I finished the novel exactly nine months later. During that time I started writing a lot of short stories and submitting them. Some were even accepted! I was thrilled, and I knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
So my writing beginning emerged as a way to stave off boredom. I don't think I've been bored since!
What's your beginning?
As much as you write now, there's no way you could be bored!
I loved reading this. Nope, since I went into this full-time, about five years ago, there's been zero time for boredom. In fact, I need a 48-hour-day.
Wow, that's so awesome you could write at work. I would LOVE to be able to do that! I started writing in my teens, but only got back to it in 2009, as well, and I agree that boredom hasn't even occurred to me ever since.
I would be shocked if you say you're bored now, hahaha. Good decision you made!
It's amazing how much you've accomplished since 2009! I'm glad you ended up bored as it sure has brought a lot of great stories out of you. :)
Good luck with your January goals!
You definitely can't be bored now.
I occasionally write at work too. I'm not supposed to write at work but Management has come to accept that wherever I go, a notebook and pen are never far behind.
Writing certainly fixes boardem. I've always wondered what non writers do to fix this...
Wonderful beginning . . .although with your imagination it's hard to believe you were ever truly bored.
I love your goals - both the fact that you rested and accomplished things last month, and your goals this month. I feel like my goal this month is one frantic: finish everything needed for Champion in the Darkness before the release next month.
Happy Writing!
Great goals! Best :)
Writing during your free time at work is a great way to make a start as a writer! You obviously have a lot of skill, so I'm glad your boredom took you down this path.
Thanks for participating in my blogfest!
Bored is a good enough reason!
Tim Brannan
The Other Side
The Freedom of Nonbelief
Ah, I'm slightly jealous. I would LOVE to be bored enough to have time to write. ;) Thanks for sharing such a fun beginning to your career.
That is awesome! A job where you can work and write??? I need one of those :D.
My story came from a girl who got in my head and wouldn't leave until I told her story.
I had a job like that once, too, where I just had to physically be there and not much else. So I started bringing my writing to work and typed on their computer. Sure looked like I was busy all day. :)
Awesome. Thanks for sharing your beginning. Congrats on all the progress you've made. :)
And now you'll never be bored again! :) I'm so happy you finished the story and wrote so much more besides.
Great story! I'd love a job where I could write a lot of the time! haha
I love reading about people's beginnings. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
That's an interesting story about how you decided to become an author.
I took a creative writing class when I was in college and probably even before I started the class, I had already decided I wanted to write novels. I can't even remember why. There likely was no reason, but I know I was 21 at the time. :)
I love your beginning. I don't think my beginning as a writer has really happened yet; I tinker with words now and again, but nothing solid has actually begun.
It's great to read about how people started off their writing journeys :-)
awesome! it started with a map to escape the doldrums! love it!
and you know christine irl? lucky! you live in indy too?
LOL, I think that's the first time I've read of someone getting into writing to stave off boredom! :-)
Wow! Inspiring! And a very good way to stave off your boredom.
I bet there are days you wish for a little bit of that boredom back! :)
I'm envious of your free time.
Enjoyed your post. :)
No chance of being bored now! Cool beginning. I can sympathise. I once worked for a week as a receptionist in an office where hardly anyone came in, I had no internet, and just played Solitaire all day!
Well I'm jealous you have time to write during your job! Thanks for sharing your beginning :)
Allison (Geek Banter)
I love the way you started writing. Writing is soooo much better than FB games ;)
Good luck with your January goals.
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