Happy Wednesday! I'm taking a five-day weekend from the full-time job, so I might be a bit slower to respond, so please be patient with me.

I've signed up for a couple blogfests in November. The first one is Mina Lobo's Resurrection Blogfest on November 7th. This date also happens to be Insecure Writer's Support Group day, but I managed to combine the two. The goal is to find a post you feel needs some love back from your first year of blogging. You can read more about the blogfest here.

The second one is I'm Thankful for my Readers bloghop from November 5-7th. In this one, you give thanks to people who read your work from CPs to beta readers to people who purchase your books. This bloghop is hosted by Vikki and Tara. And isn't that just the cutest blog hop picture?
Thank you, everyone, who has signed up for The Nightmare Collection Blog Tour. I really appreciate it, and I'm now trying to get interviews and guest posts written. It should be a good tour from December 3-7.
On the nightmare front, I am finished editing Nightmare Ever After. I will now use the next few days to proofread it as well as format it. My goal is to upload the formats on Monday October 29th and announce the purchase links on Halloween. There might be a treat for you next Wednesday too. Then, it'll be time to format for the print/ebook versions of The Nightmare Collection for a late November release.
I'm also gearing up for NaNoWriMo. I'm bookworm0753 on the site. This year I'm rewriting my first novel The Phoenix Prophetess, so I've been reading through my pretty crappy first draft. Okay, it's not that crappy, but the rewrite will make it much better and more manageable to edit come next year. I'm taking LOTS of notes, and I'm excited about it but also worried since I have so much other stuff I need to do in November.
On Sunday, I had a major breakthrough with my YA Contemporary novel Starred. I've been trying to edit it, but I only got one scene done. Something was holding me back, and I figured it out. If I can keep up editing a scene a day for the rest of October, then I'll have the first Act done. I'll be on track.
And the plotting for The Loveless Princess is going well.
So what is everyone else up to? Signed up for any blogfests/hops lately?
Oh, it's getting so close to the release of NEA! I need to write a review. NaNo is going to be fun this year! I've been trying to finish 1302 this week. Hopefully I'll actually get some time to write!
Enjoy your vacation! Are you doing another blog tour for Nightmare? you have an open invite as my guest. I even came up with interview questions =) Congrats on your upcoming release!
Thanks for reminding us about the blogfests. I signed up for Mina's resurrection fest and didn't realize it's on the same day as IWSG... I'm not sure I'll be able to combine the two, I may just have to make them two separate posts...Good luck with NaNo, I'm really excited about it too, for next year that is! lol! Not courageous enough to join this year. (;
Oh I didn't know about Mina's blogfest. That sounds like fun and I'm going to have to think about it. Not sure if I can do another one with NaNo starting up. I just learned of the "Year I turned 18" blogfest and I think that one will be fun too. So many good ones coming up!
I can't wait to read Nightmare, I know I'm going to love it. :)
I'm doing the Thankful blog hop too! You have a BUSY month ahead! Sending luck your way :D
Love those breakthrough moments! It's so frustrating trying to puzzle out why a story isn't working at times, and when it's one you love, even more so. :-)
Breakthrough moments are the best.
November is a really busy month among us all. :)
Hooray for novel breakthroughs! :)
I haven't really been signing up for many blogfests. I'm linked up for Alex, Andrew, and Matt's upcoming fest but I don't think I could keep up with several this time around. Last year I posted for over a dozen blogfests, I think.
I signed up for the Thankful Blogfest, too! I'm just thankful to the entire writer blog community, as a whole. It's so great to have people like me going through the same exact things I am.
Anyway, I need to devise my author interview for your blog tour! I hope I can think of some good questions. ;)
Congratulations on your upcoming release! Hit me with an email if you're after a spot for your tour.
All the best!
Good luck with NaNo. I'll be cheering everyone on.
I'll see you around for these bloghops. I signed up for the second one.
Congrats on hitting that breakthrough point in yur current WIP. I know how it feels to be stuck, then suddenly "see the light" and break free. It's the best.
Thanks for the tips on the blog fests. I am going to check out the Resurrection tour. I have so many articles from my early blog days that no one read!
Doing the really really final edits to Doorways, and then I'll need to decide on what I'll be doing for NaNo. :-/
Love that "I'm Thankful" badge! You're right - it's adorable. And congrats on pushing through for your WIP.
Thanks for sharing that.
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