The rules are: Count up the 'LOOK's in your current WIPs and choose your favorite three. Then post the paragraphs around the word.
I decided to use the un-edited version of Nightmare Ever After, the sequel to Once Upon a December Nightmare. According to "find," I have 45 looks in it out of 24,000+ words. Not too bad. I'm sure a few or more will be cut.

So here are my favorite three:
1. The pungent reek of death burned FBI
Special Agent Tim O’Conner’s nostrils. His fingers twitch to cover his nose,
but he wouldn’t dream of looking disturbed by a corpse, especially in front of
the local yokels. Off to his right, a green-faced deputy barfed into a Wal-mart
bag. Tim swallowed hard and breathed shallowly through his mouth.
2. “I know.” His voice was soft, low, a gentle caress that made
her look back at him. “Do you mind if I show you something, Cassandra?”
3. “Just a little jumpy, I suppose.” She chuckled and shifted
away from him. Those too blue eyes lingered on hers. Why hadn’t she worn some
jeans? She felt too exposed under his gaze. Her tongue dampened her lips as she
noticed he’d taken his jacket off. He looked like he worked out, even though he
was tall and slender. She liked how he wore his gun with the shoulder holster,
like Booth from Bones. Since The X-Files, she’d always had a thing
for FBI men.
Now, I'm supposed to tag people, but I am lazy hate choosing people, so if you'd like to be tag, then consider yourself tagged.
Yeah, I overuse 'look' a bit. At least you have variables of the word in your samples.
Interesting excerpts! The first two are creepy; I want to know more about what's going on now. :)
Loved your three 'looks' Cherie... especially the X-Files reference. :-)
Number two was good. Thank you for participating!
That's not too bad on the amount of looks. you are doing better than me I think I found my first 100 in the beginning chapters. LOL
I really enjoyed your excerpts. Keep up the great work!
Slightly OT, I've recently been watching X-Files reruns and was shocked to see Muldar running to Scully's rescue all the time. She was written as a very weak damsel-in-distress type character, not at all like the female leads today. Thank goodness times have changed. :-)
Great excerpts. This is a fun tag.
interesting for sure! makes me want to
also interesting to think of how many times look is used in any writing!
Now that is one spooky looking cover. It looks like a one way path. You may enter but never leave.
Great excerpts!
Great picks! Ah, FBI men. Well, the ones that investigate the paranormal! *LOL* I was tagged too. I have my post schedule for Saturday.
I have a lot of "looks", too! Sometimes I turn it into "gaze" but I think that's just as bad. Isn't it?
This is a cool and somewhat amusing tag :) I may have to tag myself and do it too.
Ha... I'm going to have to count them up in mine now because I'm curious. I do reserve the right now ro share the answer though.
I love your qriting on these samples. Thank you for sharing.
Intersting and intriguing exceprts. What happens next?
I overuse 'So' and have to flag it all the time.
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