Happy Wednesday!
My review of Karen Amanda Hooper's Tangled Tides can be found here.
Phew, I'm glad November's over. Time to sit back and relax, right? Well, not quite. Here are November's stats:
Submissions: 1
Rejections: 1 (Although they said they wanted to keep my story in mind if they have other anthologies)
Acceptances: 0
Word count: 76,136 (Thank you very much, NaNoWriMo)
Pages edited: 103

I have a lot of things I want to do in December, so if I get a fourth of them accomplished, then I'll feel like I'm ahead. *laughs* First up, I'm finishing my NaNoWriMo book two, The Last Prophetess. I'm continuing edits on The Phoenix Prophetess and I plan to start editing/revising Starred on December 15th. I also have some short stories to write for The Foxwick Chronicles: Women of Foxwick and proceed to do what I can to self-publish it in January/February. If time allows, I'll also begin working on my paranormal thriller with romantic elements titled Confessions of a Telekinetic.
I do have a client's manuscript I'm editing, but I quit my editing job for the small publisher I was working for. I hated to do it, but between that and doing work for individual clients I wasn't getting enough time for my own work. Plus, I can make more money for individual clients than what I was getting paid from the small publisher. So my main focus will be on my own work, and I'll take on a client here and there to supplement my income and keep my editing skills sharp. I do like to help out. :)
So what are you up to this December?
Are you nearly finished with The Last Prophetess? Is it going according to plan (the words and the plot)?
Confessions of a Telekinetic sounds interesting, and that's just from your description.
Sounds like you're going to have a very busy December.
When aren't you so busy? ;) I hope the writing is going well this week. I haven't gotten back to my story yet. Still too much to do. Trying to get some blog posts written ahead of time. That helped a lot last month.
You are the queen of everything, I swear!
And yay for being anthology buddies again! :)
Good luck getting everything done!
You sound so together Miss Cherie. You are making some great progress. Congrats.
My goal for December, get my goals together.
Best wishes,
You sound so together Miss Cherie. You are making some great progress. Congrats.
My goal for December, get my goals together.
Best wishes,
I'm eager to find out what you thought of Tangled Tides. It looks really good and has been getting a lot of buzz. Course the cover is really awesome too.
Good luck with your writing! Wow. That definitely is a lot of things to do.
I'm trying to finish my NaNoWriMo novel this month. I also want to work on a novella/novelette idea I got last week later on closer to New Year's.
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