Over the past week, I've received two awards from several wonderful bloggers.

I wanted to say thank you. I know typically you have to do various things and give them out to various people. I had actually received these awards before, but it doesn't mean receiving them again makes it any less special.
I will say one unusual fact about me: When I see the little fish on the side of someone's blog, I feed them. Always. I try to feed mine every time I'm on. I know they aren't real, but I like feeding them all the same and feel a bit guilty if I don't.
Now because I
By the way, I have a new awards page up above with the other pages. Check it out, if you want.
Ooh! I didn't know you could feed the fish. That's neat! ^_^ And congratulations on your awards.
Absolutely. You gotta feed the fish. Congratulations on your awards. It's nice that so many people are thinking of you.
Deborah - Thank you! It is very nice and inspiring. :)
Congratulations on the awards. You deserve them both. The only fish I have are in the freezer.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium, Special .99 through April 30
Congratulations on all the awards! I have never noticed the fish before. Feeding them is rather entertaining!
How DO you feed the fish? They just follow my mouse around. Anyway, congrats on the awards! and thanks for offering them to others; nice of you (tho I have both already). Happy Sunday!
Alright now that I am done playing by feeding the fish (addicting) I wanted to say Congratulations on your wonderful awards. Those are great! Best wishes.
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