Thursday, February 10, 2011

Personal Thursdays: My First Love

Yes, today I'm talking about my first love. This love is for books. All books. The first three books I remember reading were Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff, Johnny Lion's Bad Day by Edith Thacher Hurd and Clement Hurd, and Sam the Firehouse Cat by Virginia Parsons. It branched out from there with Nancy Drew books, the Sweet Valley High series, Stephen King, and Michael Crichton. The list could go on and on, and I now have over 1,000 books in my room.

This first picture is of my room with my wall of books.

These are my two newest bookshelves. Most of the books are doubled up on the shelf. I wish it wasn't like that, but I have more books than shelves. And, yes, those boxes to the left hold books too.

This is my Cinderella on the boxes. She loves sitting there, especially to get away from Romeo when he's chasing her.

This is my small bookshelves in front of my window. I have my nonfiction books here, my language books, and my mythology books from when I studied Classics.

I've had this white bookshelf for a long time. I think it might've belonged to my mom at one point. It's rather rickety, so I put my paperbacks on it.

Then, here is the bookshelf on the left. This is where my Surrounded by Books picture was taken too. By the way, I won that bookworm at the Salem Fair a few years back.

 And, when I ran out of room, the rest had to go in the floor in boxes, bags, and just sitting there. Someday I'll have a home for all my book babies. Someday.

 And, I left a special place for the magazines and anthologies I have stories in. *grins*

And, since I've ran out of room for most physical books, I have over 100 books on my Kindle. I must admit I prefer reading on my Kindle. It's easy to hold. I don't have to worry about losing my place. There are a lot of books there for me. I'm still a collector, though, and as a collector, I'll probably always by hardback and paperback books. I just need more room. Lots more room.

By the way, this is just the collection of books in my room. I have more elsewhere. 

*sighs* I love books.


Unknown said...

Wow! That's a lot of books! I've always dreamed of having floor to ceiling book shelves with a ladder on a rail system to navigate the upper shelves.

Thanks for sharing your pix!!

L.A. Colvin said...

I don't know how many I have but I packed up several boxes and gave them away. I love you named your cates Cinderella and Romeo. So Cute!! I still have my copy of Danny and the Dinosaur. Thanks for sharing

Cherie Reich said...

L.A. - I got where I had to make a list of them. I was getting too many duplicates of books when I'd go to our library book sale. *laughs*

And, thank you for the cat names. Cinderella had that little black smudge on her face, so she looked like she came from the cinders, hence Cinderella. My sister was reading Romeo and Juliet at the time when we got Romeo, so the name stuck. He's a sweetheart when he's not attacking people's feet.

And, I have my copy of Danny and the Dinosaur too. I love that book. :)

Rachel Searles said...

Wow, you could build a house out of books! I love my Kindle too, the only shame is not being able to loan out the books I love.

Cherie Reich said...

Rachel - I have considered building a house, or at least a fort, out of books before. And, I've heard that Kindle is finding a way where you can loan your Kindle books to people for 14-day periods. I don't have all the details, but it's possible with some books.

Misha Gerrick said...

I want your room!


Nicole Zoltack said...

Wow, those are some awesome pics! Gotta love the shelf devoted to your books!

Arlee Bird said...

I know how you feel. I have books all over the house. When I was a kid I used to spend hours looking thru the Funk and Wagnalls encyclopedia set that my mother bought volume by volume at our local supermarket. At age 13 I joined the Doubleday $1 book club, one of many book buying clubs I would join over the years. Love books!

Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm pressed with all those books! They all look so organized!

I have a special place for my anthologies as well. :) I look at it from time to time and it helps me to keep writing.

Cherie Reich said...

Aubrie - I wish the books were even more organized, like in alphabetical order by author's last name and placed by genre. Without having enough space, I haven't gotten around to it. And, it is a boost to see books there that you're in. :)

Jessica said...

I think you may have more books than the library we work in... ;-)

Lola Sharp said...

I LOVE these pictures of your room...and all your pretty pretty books.

Like Nicole, I dream of a big, grand Beauty and the Beast style library in my house w/ rails and such. *dreamy sigh* Some day.

I'm a die-hard tangible book reader. I like reading in the bathrobe, on the beach, in my pool...I like writing in the margins, I like their smell, I like being able to loan them or sell them or donate them.

But, I respect those that love their e-readers...andif it gets more people reading, all the better.